(Above is a photo of Grandpa Bowman, the founder
of 247 Halloween Street and the creator of the world famous Never Ending Pumpkin Show)
Red Bold = Dr. Gutwrench Red = Tourist
Ladies and Gentlemen just ignore the ENTER AT OWN RISK sign and please
step forward. Are we all inside? Good, then lets begin the Tour. Let me start by introducing myself I am Dr. Gutwrench and
I will be your tour guide for this evening. I want to welcome all of you to 247 Halloween Street. We will first begin
with the history behind the home. 247 Halloween Street has been owned by the same family since the early 1900s which
gives the home a rich background with many stories. During the course of the tour we will learn about the family and their
wonderful home.
As you can see here in the main room the home is very old and shows many
signs of old age, for example the cracks that line the walls, and the many holes in the floor. Before, we leave the main room
please take the time to notice the different artifacts that have been left behind throughout the years. If you look close
you can see writings engraved into the back wall, Does that say HE WHO ENTERS SHALL NEVER LEAVE? Sir, Please
save all questions for the end of the tour. Ok, lets move on to the next room.
Here we have the Slaughter Zone, I mean the kitchen Did he say the Slaughter Zone? This is where the family eats
their meals and shares their day with each other. By now I am sure your are starting to notice this isn't your typical family
and your right, as you can see by the large butcher knives hanging next to the dead animal carcass on the ceiling they are
a little on the dark side, but hey whats normal? So they like to eat their meat raw and fresh from the farm, who doesnt? What
about the Skull and Bone furniture? What did I say? No questions until the end of the tour!!!!!! Lets head down the hall
and into the living room. As we make our way through the hallway be sure to notice the beautiful art work that lines the walls.
Here in the living room is where we can really get an idea of what
this family is all about. For instance, look at all the skulls, bones, candles, coffins, you can really tell that Halloween
is not just a holiday for the Bowmans its a way of life. From here we will
head outside to the Never Ending Pumpkin Show.
The Never Ending Pumpkin Show was created by the late Grandpa Bowman. No
one knows why or how he gave this power to the Pumpkins but I can tell you this, there is nothing on earth like The Never
Ending Pumpkin Show. First the pumpkins never die, these pumpkins have been glowing since the show began in 1910. Second,
each pumpkin has its own personality. For Example, on your left is the Psycho Jumping Pumpkin he just bounces, and bounces
all day and all night. Third, you never want to touch the pumpkins because they will take your hand clean off. On the last
tour we had a gentlemen fall into the Pumpkin Pit and you see that leg in the tree, and that arm hanging from the fence? Well,
lets just say this was his last stop on the tour.
Next, we have the Graveyard. Every Bowman that has past away since the home was purchased, is buried here in the graveyard.
Except, Great Grandpa and Grandma Bowman, they keep there coffins in the living room. So your telling me that those coffins
in the living room had their Great Grandparents in them? Thats sick! All right, I've told you three times no questions
until the end of the tour, take him to the Pumpkin Pit!!!! NO, NO PLEASE, AHHHHGGG!!!! Hey, wheres everybody going?
The tours not over yet, you can't leave, you haven't even seen the Inside-Out Face Museum yet. Oh well, Im getting
sick of these damn tours anyway, they act like were some damn freak show. HAHA!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! HAHAHAHA!!!!